Do you have a swimming pool, or are you planning on installing one at your home?
National Electrical Safety Code (NESC) requires a 22.5-foot clearance in any direction from the water level, edge of the pool, diving platforms, pool sliding boards, or other fixed pool-related structures to the overhead electric service line, and a 25-foot clearance from overhead primary lines.
These clearances are designed to protect swimmers and people using rescue and skimmer poles, typically aluminum, and keep the path clear for utility workers.
Additionally, all pools must be a minimum of five feet away from any underground electric cables.
The code applies to in-ground and above-ground pools, hot tubs, and the like.
Failure to check clearances can result in additional expense if we have to move any of our lines and facilities or if the pool or hot tub must be moved to comply with NESC.
Call the cooperative before you set up an in-ground or above-ground pool or hot tub to be sure clearances are met.
Before digging for any yard project, call 811 at least 48 hours in advance to have underground cables located and marked.