As a Jones-Onslow EMC member, you invest in your co-op every time you pay your bill. This collective investment in the co-op benefits you and the community immediately and over time. So what exactly is this monthly investment, and how do you benefit from it?
Combatting cybersecurity threats and maintaining poles, wires, substations, and co-op equipment takes strategic planning and significant resources. The facility charge you see on your electric bill is a monthly investment that helps your co-op cover the expenses of maintaining the overall electric system. The facility charge essentially ensures that all equipment operates properly and staff is trained and ready, so the lights turn on when you need them.
When rates are developed for all members (residential, commercial, industrial, and general use), consideration is also given to those monthly expenses mentioned above that do not vary based on electric consumption.
As a not-for-profit electric cooperative, we believe the operational costs should be spread fairly and equitably across all of our members, regardless of the level of electricity use. Irrespective of how much electricity a particular family uses, the cost of delivering power to that house, apartment, or modular home is the same. That is why every member (in the various rate classifications) pays the facility charge each month to cover basic operational costs. In the case of residential members, everyone is charged the same amount for the cost of operation since all members benefit from the same service. Essentially, this gives each co-op member an equal share in JOEMC’s operation.
Your monthly investment ensures access to safe, reliable, and affordable power when needed. We appreciate and value your investment in your co-op each month, and we strive to use that investment wisely to benefit all community members.
To learn more about the facility charge, click here.