Youth Tourists Explore D.C. and Build Leadership Skills
Approximately 1,800 high school students gathered in Washington, DC, June 16-21 as delegates to the Electric Cooperative Youth Tour. Dozens of North Carolina students, including four local delegates sponsored by Jones-Onslow EMC, participated in the weeklong opportunity.
These four local high school students, Eden Norris of Jacksonville High School, Caleb Snyder of Jones Senior High School, Malachi Reynolds of Onslow Early College, and Christian Morgan of Dixon High School, were selected to represent Jones-Onslow EMC on the Youth Tour. During their time in D.C., they not only learned about electric cooperatives and toured the city’s historic monuments and museums, but also honed their leadership skills, built a national peer network, and engaged in meaningful conversations with elected officials.
“Our Youth Tourists explored D.C. with confidence and curiosity, which was great to see,” said Krystal Phillips. “The Youth Tour emphasizes the importance of civic engagement and the fact that politics touch every aspect of life. We hope the experiences and skills delegates gained during the trip will benefit them on their journey to becoming our next great leaders.”
See highlights, photos, and videos from the week @NC Youth Tour on Facebook , X, and Instagram. Be sure to listen to our podcast— Flippin’ the Switch—in August, as we will interview some of our youth tourists to learn more about this experience.