BEAT THE HEAT: Smart Tips for Saving on Your Summer Electric Bill
As summer temperatures soar, managing energy use is essential to keep your electric bill in check. Here are some tips to help you stay cool without breaking the bank:
Set Your Thermostat Wisely
To maximize energy efficiency, keep your thermostat set no lower than 78 degrees. While this may seem warm, setting your thermostat too low can cause your cooling unit to run continuously, leading to higher electric bills.
Smart Appliance Use
• Dryer: The dryer not only generates heat but also pulls cool air out of your home. Try to avoid using it during the hottest parts of the day. Clean the dryer vents and filters regularly, and consider drying clothes outdoors when possible.
• Cooking: Instead of using the stove, which can heat up your home, opt for outdoor grilling on hot days.
• Water Heater: Take shorter showers and use the exhaust fan only long enough to remove moisture.
Additional Energy-Saving Tips
• Lighting: Turn off unnecessary lights and replace incandescent bulbs with energy-saving LEDs.
• Laundry and Dishes: Run full loads to make the most of your appliances’ energy use.
• Window Coverings: Keep draperies and blinds closed to block out heat.
• Seal Your Home: Ensure that windows and doors are closed tightly to prevent cool air from escaping.
• Use Fans Efficiently: Fans help cool your body but don’t lower the room temperature. Turn them off when you leave the room to save energy.
By following these tips, you can enjoy a cooler home and lower energy bills throughout the summer. For more tips and home energy calculators visit,