We’re Thankful for Your Membership
“Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it.” In the spirit of this quote by author William Arthur Ward, I’d like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude and thankfulness for your membership in our electric cooperative. Because of your connection to JOEMC, we can make our community a better place.
I generally use this space to provide updates on industry news, legislative matters, new projects and developments, and the progress of ongoing initiatives. I share these updates so that all of you, our consumer-members, can see our priorities, progress, and challenges. However, during this season of giving thanks, I think it’s equally essential to let you and other members know what an impact you have on our co-op and the greater community, likely in ways you may not even realize.
One of our core principles as part of the cooperative business model is “Concern for Community.” While our priority is always to provide safe, reliable, and affordable energy, we view our role in the community as a catalyst for good.
We are purposeful in partnering with civic groups and non-profit organizations to help them carry out their missions—to help others in need and to make our community a better place to live, work, and raise a family.
We work closely with our local schools to provide safety demonstrations, award college scholarships, and assist educators in teaching our children by providing grants through the Bright Ideas Program. The co-op also participates in an annual Youth Tour, where we take some of our community’s brightest young people to Washington,D.C., for a week-long immersion to experience democracy in action. The trip is inspirational for many students, and we are glad to be a part of this leadership development journey. Ultimately, the community, as a whole, benefits from these programs because of you! You empower the co-op by participating in and supporting these programs.
I am thankful that our co-op board members carve out time to attend necessary training sessions, participate in planning meetings, and keep abreast of industry trends. This investment in time results in better-informed advisors who serve the co-op’s interests in a way that our members expect and deserve.
Jones-Onslow EMC was established 85 years ago to bring electricity to our area when no one else would. Your electric co-op reflects our local community and its evolving needs. Together, let’s continue making our corner of the world a better place. We can’t do it without you, and we’re thankful for your membership.
Another core principle that JOEMC holds dear is the spirit of cooperation among cooperatives. After Hurricane Helene plowed through Western North Carolina last month, your cooperative responded, sending linemen and support personnel to assist fellow electric co-op, French Broad EMC, in restoring power to their communities. Moments like these remind us of the strength we find in working together for our members and with those in need across the state.