What to Do When You Encounter a Downed Power Line
With unpredictable weather being a common theme in Eastern North Carolina, we want you to know that downed power lines are a serious hazard that comes along with that—typically from high winds. Member safety is important at all times, however, it is crucial when there is a downed power line.
Here are a few safety tips that empower you to protect friends and family should a downed power line occur in the area.
1. If you see a downed power line, move away from it and anything touching it. The
ground around power lines up to 35 feet may be energized.
2. You cannot tell whether a power line is energized just by looking at it. You should
assume all downed lines are live.
3. If you find a downed power line, call 9-1-1 and JOEMC at 910-353-1940.
4. Do not attempt to move a downed power line or anything else in contact with it,
even by using an object such as a broom. Even non-conductive materials like wood
or cloth can conduct electricity if it is even slightly wet.
5. Be aware of downed lines that may be covered up by debris or downed trees.
For more information about electrical safety, visit joemc.com.