Service Request
Do We Service Your Location?
Enter the address information below in the appropriate blocks. Then click Check for Service. Less specific information entered will produce a broader list of addresses; therefore make sure the results produced are for the full address you are seeking, including the City. We provide electric service to six counties so the same street name could appear with multiple city names. Please be aware the format entered may not match the service address in our files. If you are in doubt, please contact our office.
New services will automatically be enrolled in paperless billing;
to change simply notify us.
Whether moving to the area for the first time or simply across town, Jones-Onslow welcomes the opportunity to provide electric service to your location. Please submit an application for connection to an existing location at least one business day before the date you want to start service. Requested connects are performed during normal business hours, Monday through Friday, excluding holidays.
A valid telephone number is required in case there are questions about your application and for future contact.
Since your electricity is billed after it is used, a security deposit may be required to activate your electric service. Jones-Onslow EMC will perform a credit check to determine if a deposit must be paid prior to activating your account.
If you have a bank account with Marine Federal Credit Union you may be able to obtain a deposit waiver voucher from them. You must submit the membership application to us and obtain an electric account number prior to visiting MFCU.
If you are planning new construction of a home or business, please complete the membership form above and return to JOEMC by mail or fax. Since electric lines have to be built to the site, we ask that we receive your order at least 10 days in advance of your projected completion date. We will need a valid 911 address for the location of the new construction. All required city and county inspections must be completed prior to us connecting your permanent electric service, but they are not needed to place the service order. A contribution in aid to construction will likely be required as well. The amount of this charge depends on the type of service (overhead or underground) and the distance between the source and the meter base. An Energy Service Representative will visit the construction site and calculate the amount of the aid to construction.
Stop Service
To discontinue electric service, we must be notified at least one business day in advance of the desired disconnect date. Requested disconnects are performed during normal business hours, Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. We ask that members provide us with a forwarding address to send the final electric bill and future Capital Credit refund requests. Once the electric service has been disconnected, a final bill will be generated on the next business day with a due date of 25 days later.
Please complete the following information and submit the form below to Jones-Onslow EMC:
Service Fees & Charges
Security Deposits
$300.00 (N)
Security Deposit (meter Tampering)
Connection Charge
$25.00 (Y)
Connection Charge (Auto Connect)
$20.00 (Y)
Late Payment Fee 1.5%
$2.00 Minimum (N)
Returned Check Processing Fee
$25.00 (N)
Returned Check Bank Processing Fee
$5.00 (N)
Field Collection
$25.00 (N)
Reconnect Charge
After Hours Reconnect (delinquent)
$85.00 (Y)
Meter Test Charge
$50.00 (Y)
Delinquent Notice
$10.00 (N)
Credit Report Fee
$10.00 (N)
Damaged AMI Meter Charge
Trip Charge
$75.00 (Y)
Reconnection after Temporary
Disconnection Security Lights
Actual Cost ($200.00 Minimum) (Y)
Additional Construction Trip Charge
$250.00 (Y)
*Y/N Indicates Taxed
Request A Security Light
Security lights illuminate streets, back yards and driveways for safety and security. Jones-Onslow EMC wants to ensure these security lights are burning properly; therefore, we are dedicated to repairing a fixture within two business days after we have been notified of the issue. However, inclement weather or unforeseen conditions may delay solving the problem on occasion. We rely on our members to report any problems with security lights, including lights that burn all day and night.
To request a security light, please fill out the form below or call Jones-Onslow at (910) 353-1940 or (800) 682-1515. To expedite the reporting process, please have the following information available for the Consumer Representative:
- Your name or the name on the security light account
- A telephone number where you can be reached
- If the address is different than your home address, please have an approximate address for the location of the security light.
Medical Alert Status
If you or someone at your location uses life-sustaining equipment powered by electricity, you may qualify for placement on our “medical alert” list. Your account will be coded to make our customer service representatives aware of your situation. We will notify you before any scheduled outages (for maintenance or repair). And, during unexpected outages, you’ll receive high priority as we restore power. You can download an application form here or you can stop by one of our offices or call us at (910) 353-1940 or (800) 682-1515. The application requires documentation from your physician (it must be updated every year) to support your medical needs.
Once we code your account as critical, please let us know of any changes to your phone number, mailing address, physical address or email address so we can update your information in our customer database.
PLEASE NOTE: Participation in the Medical Alert Program does not prevent your service from being disconnected if your account goes unpaid. We also cannot guarantee restoration times during outage situations. If you require electricity for life support equipment, please make arrangements for back-up power or relocate temporarily to a location that has power.