Line Crew

The Heart of Our Grid: Paying Tribute to Lineworkers this Month

 It’s Lineworker Appreciation Month, a time of reflection and gratitude for those who diligently serve our community. These dedicated individuals work tirelessly, often in challenging conditions, to ensure that our homes stay powered and our lives remain uninterrupted. As we honor this special month, we’d like to offer a glimpse into the world of linework…

Gary Ray

Capital Credits… A Little Money Back in Your Pocket

Capital Credits… A Little Money Back in Your Pocket The name “capital credits” may sound complex, but it’s a simple concept. Capital credits are the annual margins—revenues minus expenses of the cooperative—allocated to each member based on their individual purchase and use of electricity. Until they’re returned to members, capital credits are funds used as…

no barriers joemc

Adventure Awaits

JOEMC’s No Barriers Warriors Expedition for Disabled Veterans Our local community remains a steadfast supporter of our veterans, many of whom grapple with disabilities stemming from their service. For the seventh consecutive year, Jones-Onslow EMC, in collaboration with one of our esteemed financial partners, continues its search for disabled veterans within its service territory to…

wise choices

Wise Choices, Wise Savings

In the pursuit of sustainability and cost savings, managing energy consumption is crucial for homeowners. A powerful tool in this endeavor is the Home Energy Calculator, especially when paired with the resources available in the EnergyWise section of This combination empowers homeowners to make informed decisions about their energy usage, identifying opportunities for significant…