notifications, tracking

Helping You Stay on Track

Do you sometimes forget when your electric bill is due? Or have an elderly parent that needs help staying on track with their bills? Then notifications are for you!   If you have a cell phone associated with your electric account, you are automatically enrolled in our Outage Text Alerts program. But did you know that you can also receive other notifications from JOEMC?…

Home with solar panels, energy savings

Considering Solar, Get the Facts.

Solar energy is booming, and the future is brighter than ever. Through rooftop solar panels, many homeowners can harness the sun’s natural rays to produce environmentally friendly and cost-effective electricity. But with the increasing popularity of solar, some businesses are taking advantage of consumers interested in generating their own energy through rooftop panels. While many…


So Many Reasons to be Thankful

As we quickly approach the holiday season, I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to you, the member-owners of our electric cooperative. Because of your connectionto JOEMC, together, we are able to make our community a better and brighter place. I generally use this column to provide updates on new projects and developments or update you on current events…

fixing powerlines

Down and Dangerous

With unpredictable weather being a common theme in Eastern North Carolina, we want you to know that downed power lines are a hazard that comes along with that— typically from high winds. Member safety is important at all times; however, it is crucial when there is a downed power line.   Here are a few safety tips to protect yourself…

nc youth tour

CHARGE ON! NC Youth Tour 2023

High school juniors, experience a week you’ll never forget! Apply for a free trip to Washington, D.C., June 17–23, 2023, for the Electric Cooperative Youth Tour. Your week in D.C. will allow you to: • Meet with our state legislators and get a close-up look at our government in action. • Visit the Capitol, Smithsonian museums, memorials, and historic sites like Arlington National Cemetery.…